1) MAKE EXERCISE A PRIORITY.  It’s a New Year, make the commitment to get in shape.  We make time in our lives for things that are important to us.  If you are serious about losing weight and feeling healthy, then exercise MUST be a priority in your life.  Organise your diary at the start of the week to factor in time for exercise every day so it becomes part of your daily routine- just like brushing your teeth.  Concede that sometimes you are going to be pressed for time so you may have to be creative with the type of exercise you perform. 

2) MAKE EXERCISE AS ENJOYABLE AS POSSIBLE.  We are more likely to exercise more frequently and consistently if we enjoy it.  Exercise somewhere scenic or listen to your favourite music.  If you’re exercising inside, set up a television or movie so you can watch it while you exercise.  Do whatever makes exercise most enjoyable for you.

3) CHANGE IT UP.  Use the New Year as an opportunity to try new things.  Variety in your exercise routine keeps you fresh, motivated, and delivers fast results.  Step out of your comfort zone a little.  Try joining a sporting club or walking group, go on a bushwalk, pick up a racquet or club and get moving.

4) FIND A PURPOSE FOR EXERCISE.  We are more motivated and committed to do things when we understand the purpose behind them…the greater the purpose the greater the motivation.  You may exercise because you want the health benefits, or because you want to complete a fun run, or because you simply want to stop blaming the washing machine for shrinking your clothes!  Find a purpose for your exercise and write it down (you can have as many as you want).  It will become critical to read this again when your motivation is dwindling.

5) BE REALISTIC.  Don’t expect to drop 15 kilograms in the first month.  Severely restricting your diet or working out too intensely can actually be counter-productive to achieving your weight-loss goals.  Dramatic, rapid weight-loss is almost impossible to maintain. Instead, start slow.  If you haven’t exercised in a while, ease into things.  No one can expect to go from a sedentary lifestyle to their physical best overnight.  Begin with exercise every second day for around 30-minutes.  Every week as you become fitter, add more intensity and an extra 5-minutes to your workout time.  When you get to a full hour of exercise, add an extra day.

6) EXERCISE IN THE MORNING.  There are numerous benefits to physical activity first thing in the morning.  Early morning exercise jump starts your metabolism and increases your potential to burn calories.  Additionally, statistics suggest that those who perform regular morning exercise are more likely to have better quality sleep, be more energetic throughout the day, and have greater success in losing body weight.

7) GET FIT WITH FRIENDS.  Find a friend who is serious about starting an exercise routine and get fit with them.  Research shows us that people who exercise with a friend have more success with exercising consistently and reaching their weight loss goals.  Not only do you keep each other accountable, you help to motivate, encourage and support each other when required.  A little bit of friendly competition is character building.

8) START TODAY.  Don’t wait till tomorrow, next week, when work has settled, when the kids are back at school, when the moons have aligned… There will never be a perfectly convenient time to begin.  Start your new health kick today.  You don’t have to set any world records, just lace up your runners, stick in an iPod and get outside- you’ll be amazed by how good it makes you feel.  


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