So you’ve toned your toush and tightened you triceps, but what is it that you’re doing for your tummy?

In the midst of what has been a fantastic summer and with some sunny days still to come, it’s never too late to start working on that mid-section and being a site to behold as you stroll the sands! 

Read on for some tricks of the trade for flattening your belly! 

Exercise Smartly….and regularly- A common misconception among most people is that they have to lie on their backs and do hundreds of crunches to achieve a wash-board stomach.  This myth could not be further from the truth.  In reality, a flat stomach comes via several pathways including reducing your body fat, specific resistance exercises, improved posture and healthy living.  To get you started, focus on performing quality resistance exercises that include the ‘core’ but still work the whole body (ie. Pilates is a great place to start).  For quicker results, supplement these exercises with regular cardiovascular activity. The key is to be patient; rewards come with time and consistency.

Sleep- it’s good for you- Often overlooked and undervalued. Being well rested allows you to have the energy to exercise regularly, stay focussed and achieve your goals.  

Start lifting weights (relax all you girls, this doesn’t mean you will get muscly)- Regular resistance training improves your overall muscle tone meaning no more jiggley bits.  It also increases your lean muscle mass- a key factor in metabolism.  The greater your lean muscle mass, the greater your potential to burn calories.  If you are unsure about starting a resistance-training program, speak to a qualified health professional that can guide you though an appropriate program.  

Get your posture right- I preach correct posture with all of my clients- mainly because holding proper posture prevents the onset of various musculoskeletal injuries including neck pain, low back pain, shoulder injuries... and it looks good!  I have included posture in this instance because it has an aesthetic property. I once heard someone say ‘when people stoop their stomachs pooch’.  Fair call.   

While correct posture does not help burn body fat, it does make you look leaner and feel better.  By standing tall with your shoulders back and chest up, the abdominals pull themselves in, creating a flatter stomach instantly.  Perform the following to check your own posture: stand with your back against a wall, feet hip width apart and heels pressed firmly back into the wall.  Stand tall, draw your shoulder blades back and pull your chin up and back until the back of your head is touching the wall.  Correct posture is achieved when your heels, bum, shoulder blades and back of head are all in contact with the wall at the same time. 

Drink up- Water that is…. Research has shown us that people who drink two cups of water before each meal eat fewer calories than those who don’t.  Drinking water at regular intervals is also thought to boost metabolism, reduce appetite, reduce fatigue (by avoiding dehydration) and keep your body functioning at its best.

So there you go guys, go get those bikini’s or boardies and enjoy the beach.


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